California History–Social Science Content Standards

Lesson 1: A Different Kind of Government Course introduces students to CAP. First, students learn that one of the main purposes of public education is to prepare future citizens to participate in our democracy. Then they are given an overview of CAP. Finally, they brainstorm the attributes of an effective citizen.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured. (3) Discuss the individual’s legal obligation to obey the law, serve as a juror, and pay taxes. (4) Understand the obligations of civic-mindedness, including voting, being informed on civic issues, volunteering and performing public service, and serving in the military or alternative service. (5) Describe the reciprocity between rights and obligations; that is, why enjoyment of one’s rights entails respect for the rights of others.

California Standards

Lesson 2: Introduction to Public Policyintroduces the link between policy and problems. First, students read and discuss a short article defining policy. Then they discuss policy and its connection to problems. Next, in small groups, they do a newspaper search to find examples of public policy.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda and implementation of it through regulations and executive orders. (6) Compare the processes of lawmaking at each of the three levels of government, including the role of lobbying and the media.

California Standards

Lesson 3: Problems, Policy, and Civic Actionsgives students further background in problems, policy, and civic action to prepare them for CAP. First, students analyze problems in terms of causes and effects. Next, they explore how policy can be linked to problems. Finally, they list possible civic actions that can be taken to when working on a problem.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relation-ships among them, and how they are secured. (4) Understand the obligations of civic-mindedness, including…being informed on civic issues [and]…volunteering and performing public service…

12.3: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda.…

California Standards

Lesson 4: Introducing Policy Analysis helps students develop a deeper understanding of public policy and the interaction between government and citizens in making policy. They look at case studies and are introduced to policy analysis.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda and implementation of it through regulations and executive orders. (6) Compare the processes of lawmaking at each of the three levels of government, including the role of lobbying and the media.

California Standards

Lesson 5: Policymaking in the Three Branches of Government introduces students to executive, legislative, and judicial policymaking and to policy evaluation. First, students discuss how policy can be made by each of the branches. Then they read about and discuss how the Chicago City Council passed an ordinance to suppress gang activity and how each branch of government was involved in the policy. Finally, students are introduced to a policy-analysis rubric (GRADE) and apply it to the Chicago gang ordinance.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda and implementation of it through regulations and executive orders. (6) Compare the processes of lawmaking at each of the three levels of government, including the role of lobbying and the media.

California Standards

Lesson 6: Analyzing Anti-Gang Policiesprovides students with practice in analyzing policy. First, as a whole group, they evaluate an anti-gang policy using GRADE. Then in small groups, they are given policies that address gang violence and they evaluate each.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda and implementation of it through regulations and executive orders. (6) Compare the processes of lawmaking at each of the three levels of government, including the role of lobbying and the media.

California Standards

Lesson 7: Policymaking at the Local Level gets students to examine an instance of policymaking at a school board, one of the most common institutions at the local level. First, students read about and discuss a common local (and national) problem, the dropout rate. Then they role play subcommittees of a hypothetical school board, examine documents about the dropout problem, and craft a policy to address the dropout problem. Finally, they exchange policies with other groups and evaluate one another’s policies using the GRADE rubric.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.6: Students evaluate issues regarding campaigns for national, state, and local elective offices. (4) Describe the means that citizens use to participate in the political process (e.g., voting, campaigning, lobbying, filing a legal challenge, demonstrating, petitioning, picketing, running for political office).

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda and implementation of it through regulations and executive orders. (6) Compare the processes of lawmaking at each of the three levels of government, including the role of lobbying and the media.

California Standards

Lesson 8: Law & Policy informs students about how existing law can influence public policy and policymaking. First, students read about and discuss how existing law can influence public policy. Then in small groups, they role play members of a public policy law firm and decide whether a policy of evicting renters violates existing law and whether a new law is needed to protect renters.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured. (2) Explain how economic rights are secured and their importance to the individual and to society (e.g., the right to acquire, use, transfer, and dispose of property; right to choose one’s work; right to join or not join labor unions; copyright and patent). (5) Describe the reciprocity between rights and obligations; that is, why enjoyment of one’s rights entails respect for the rights of others.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

California Standards

Lesson 9: Persuading introduces students to the art of persuasion. First, they read about and discuss the three types of persuasion: logos, ethos, and pathos. Then students prepare two-minute persuasive talks on why the issue that they have chosen to address in CAP is important. Finally, in pairs, students present and critique one another’s talks.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

California Standards

Lesson 10: Building Constituencies introduces students to the importance of building a constituency to support or oppose public policies. First, students read and discuss about how a historically significant movement gained support in the community. Then in small groups, students brainstorm how they can get support for their CAP issue.

11.10 Students analyze the development of federal civil rights and voting rights. (4) Examine the roles of civil rights advocates (e.g., A. Philip Randolph, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, James Farmer, Rosa Parks), including the significance of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and “I Have a Dream” speech.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured. (3) Discuss the individual’s legal obligation to obey the law, serve as a juror, and pay taxes. (4) Understand the obligations of civic-mindedness, including voting, being informed on civic issues, volunteering and performing public service, and serving in the military or alternative service. (5) Describe the reciprocity between rights and obligations; that is, why enjoyment of one’s rights entails respect for the rights of others.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (1) Explain how civil society provides opportunities for individuals to associate for social, cultural, religious, economic, and political purposes. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.6: Students evaluate issues regarding campaigns for national, state, and local elective offices. (4) Describe the means that citizens use to participate in the political process (e.g., voting, campaigning, lobbying, filing a legal challenge, demonstrating, petitioning, picketing, running for political office).

California Standards

Lesson 11: Setting the Public Agenda introduces students to the public agenda and its importance to policy. First, students read about and discuss the public agenda and ways that citizens can influence it. Then in small groups, students are given different situations and they develop strategic plans for getting their issues or solutions to issues on the public agenda.

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda and implementation of it through regulations and executive orders. (6) Compare the processes of lawmaking at each of the three levels of government, including the role of lobbying and the media.

12.8: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the influence of the media on American political life. (2) Describe the goals of broadcast, print, and electronic media, including the Internet, as means of communication in American politics.

California Standards
Lesson 12: Using the Media
helps students learn about the importance of the media in setting the public agenda. First, they read about and discuss how the media help set the public agenda and how citizens can influence the media and even create their own media to help change the public agenda. Then they develop a plan to do one action to use or affect the media. Finally, they begin to implement their plan. As homework, they complete their action.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.8: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the influence of the media on American political life. (2) Describe the goals of broadcast, print, and electronic media, including the Internet, as means of communication in American politics. (3) Explain how public officials use the media to communicate with the citizenry and to shape public opinion.

California Standards

Lesson 13: Persuading Policymakers informs students that legislative and executive bodies often hold public hearing and how students can make effective presentations at these hearings. First, students read about public hearings and techniques for making presentations at these hearings. Then students role play a city council and people appearing before it attempting to persuade policymakers on hypothetical issues.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured. (4) Understand the obligations of civic-mindedness, including voting, being informed on civic issues, volunteering and performing public service, and serving in the military or alternative service.

12.3: Students evaluate, take, and defend positions on what the fundamental values and principles of civil society are (i.e., the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. (2) Explain how civil society makes it possible for people, individually or in association with others, to bring their influence to bear on government in ways other than voting and elections.

12.6: Students evaluate issues regarding campaigns for national, state, and local elective offices. (4) Describe the means that citizens use to participate in the political process (e.g., voting, campaigning, lobbying, filing a legal challenge, demonstrating, petitioning, picketing, running for political office).

12.7: Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, tribal, and local governments. (5) Explain how public policy is formed, including the setting of the public agenda and implementation of it through regulations and executive orders.

California Standards

Lesson 14: Creating Change Through the Electoral Process focuses on electoral politics and how it deeply influences policymaking. First, students read about and discuss the role that electoral politics plays in policymaking. Then in small groups, students role play campaign workers and create strategies to attract young people to participate in an election campaign.

12.2: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the scope and limits of rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured. (4) Understand the obligations of civic-mindedness, including voting, being informed on civic issues, volunteering and performing public service, and serving in the military or alternative service.

12.6: Students evaluate issues regarding campaigns for national, state, and local elective offices. (4) Describe the means that citizens use to participate in the political process (e.g., voting, campaigning, lobbying, filing a legal challenge, demonstrating, petitioning, picketing, running for political office).

12.8: Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the influence of the media on American political life. (2) Describe the goals of broadcast, print, and electronic media, including the Internet, as means of communication in American politics. (3) Explain how public officials use the media to communicate with the citizenry and to shape public opinion.

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