Do you think police working and building strong relationships with the Oakland community, can help to lower the number of police shootings?
456 discussions
Do you guys think that community policing (which is assigning police officers to a specific area so they can become familiar with the locals) could reduce the amount of police misconduct in Oakland?
What are some effective ways do you guys think would reduce police misconduct?
Current immigration policies require those attempting immigration to pay between $6,000 and $10,000-and that's if they're lucky. Additionally, approximately only 65 thousand out of 1.4 million immigrants even make it into the United States legally. What is your opinion on this? Do you feel that it should be changed? If so, do you have any suggestions on how it could be changed?
Police brutality is a very controversial topic among people, Police use excessive force and abuse their power to some people. Some police needs to be considerate because they might be wrong about what they're accusing to them like the recent shootings that is happening today. Police should not get special treatment just because they're cops and they need to be treated like a normal person. What is your opinion about the situation? Is there a law against police that uses excessive force to people?
Do you believe that the federal government should give amnesty (Pardon for illegal entry into the country) for immigrants ? Or only to the working class and those who help boost the economy ?
Are you aware if you have rent control or not? Do you even know what rent control is? Or what the policy states? If so, what are some changes in the policy would you like to see?
There needs to be some serious punishment for police officers who abuse there power. There also needs to be a law passed that will punish them for there actions. what is your opinion on this topic and what type of should be passed.
Are you aware if you have rent control or not? Do you even know what rent control is? If yes, what are somethings about the policy you would like to see a change in?
In your opinion, what was the most important problem or issue discussed at last night’s presidential debate? Why is this issue important to you? What question(s) would you want to ask one or both of the presidential candidates?
Our topic that we chose focuses on violence in the community. The issue is that people use violence to solve their problems. Violence is not the answer to problems and it will make things worse. The best way to settle arguments is with words and not with fists or weapons. What we want the audience to do is to speak out and report any crimes or suspicious actions to the police, school authorities and parents.
Young men aren't responsible enough for themsleves. Thinking they will do good at something, they end up doing bad or worse. These young men don't have experience because they are just beginning their lives. Some people want young men to become "men." The question is how? If young men dont get the motivation that they need, then how do others expect young men to be mature enough when they already know that they can't handle variety of things. We want the people to teach our young men to do the correct things instead of doing bad things. Help our young ones so that they can be able to face the real world whenever they become independent.
Our topic is Students Apathy. This topic touches our lives because without an education we don't become no one important in life. People notice the big difference between people who got an education and people who don't. It affects our community because without an education students of today will be working somewhere where they won't succeed and we're never going to grow as a community. Students dropping out before they finish school won't be able to get along with life without an education. It needs to be fixed soon because everyone regrets it later on in life when they face the real world. It would be amazing seeing this result at least 95% walking the stage and getting their diplomas .
We want to prove to African Americans and other races as well that every African American is not a violent, drop out, deadbeat, minority, pregnant at young age person. The negative connotations that are engulfed in the assumptions of people have a strong hold on the people and future generations. Negativity tends to be draining, especially if it's all you see and all you hear. The lack of positive motivation towards the African American youth will cause them to continue to do the negative things portrayed in the media.
Hi I'm Brandon from Maya Angelou community hs.We are working on Dis-Harmony in the community and the affect is due to overpopulation in the commuinty is there any suggest how or what can help us raise awareness please feel free to help.Please and Thank You.
Our civic action project is money management, young adults should Learn how to handle their money and how to spend it wisely. Basically we will give young adults advice/techniques on what they should and shouldn't spend their money on and what are some ways they can save their money. The issue with young adults is that they are entering the real world and since most young adults had everything provided for them by their parents , it can be useful for them to know how to save and manage their money and to teach them to buy necessities first and luxuries later.
Kids are not meeting basic standards
issue: Students in LAUSD are not meeting basic standards. Last year students were given a California state test. Out of the whole district only 25% passes the math section.
- Schools main priority are to make sure their students graduate, when students don't meet standards. Teachers have to lower their standards in order for students to pass and graduate.
- Because teachers are forced to lower their standards, students have to take lower class during college.
- The percentage of students who can go to a university are less likely.
Instead of lowering standards, schools should find a issue and fix it. This issue, with schools lowering thier standards proves how cutting funds in the education system effects us in America. The United States use to be one of the greatest country in education now Singapore is, now we as a country are not even in the top ten.
Students have a hard time communicating with their peers and teachers, which can lower their self esteem and create bad habits and behavior problems. Our goal is to create a class in which teaches students to open up and be able to talk with their peers and teachers and not be anti social or feel as if no one cares about them and to help them express themselves. For example in this class we'd help students talk about their problems and how they can solve them, also we'd involve the parents to talk to their son/daughter about what they want to accomplish and for the parents to show support and encouragement in their child's future.
Our goal is to get the rates of LAUSD graduating students to increase. LAUSD is one of the districts with lower graduation rates when compared to other school districts. We are focusing on narrowing down the possible reasons by personally interacting with other students, making observations and statistically comparing LAUSD to other districts. We want to raise awareness on the issues affecting students in our communities so that something can be done about it. We are aware that this is not an issue that can be resolved overnight and that it requires effort from students, teachers, school staff and higher power to resolve, but we wish to get it started. It'll be nice for LAUSD to be seen one day as a successful district wits exceptional high school graduates prepared for the obstacles that can be presented to them in college.
We are here to bring awareness to the parents can be more involved in school. In which these can help the students meet the standards and for the parents to be able to help them. Many of these parents within our community are not aware of what the student actually does in a classroom since they only care about the grade every 5 weeks. Students say they are not being understand by the parents because the parents weren't able to go to school.
We chose the topic "gangs in the community "because a lot of people get killed due to gang activity and gang violence . We believe that gang activity should be erased from this neighborhood/community .
Our goal is to create more pregnancy counseling and prevention Centers where girls and guys can go talk to someone who can inform them about the consequences of getting pregnant/having a child at a very young age. We would like to see more youths come in to these center to receive help and knowledge about becoming a parent at a young age.
The lack of motivation in our school leads to many things such as students not wanting to attend school, students not attending class, or even cause or makes students want to drop out. Certain students rather stay home than go to school. Other students rather walk around the whole day than to attend class. Other find it much easier to stop going to school and just get a job where he or she won't make as much as a student that goes to school and class and maybe goes to college.
We as Americans always think of ourselves and our home as the best in every which way. Morally, industrially and economically we believe we are superior and America is the place where anyone's dreams no matter their beliefs, gender and nationality. Even though this may be hard to believe, this American Dream is simply not true and there is mountains of evidence to prove this.
People and especially politicians will yell up and down the America has, always be and is a place where everyone can get a tasty slice of the American Dream. Well what if I told you that some people have taken numerous or huge slices even of that pie. I'm talking about the wealthy and not just the wealthy but the top 1% who have essentially made this huge problem such as in 2007 the top 1% net worth was about $21.9 trillion but the net worth of the bottom 90% was approximately 18.4 trillion. The top 1%, if you haven't been paying attention to Bernie Sanders during the presidential debates, are the people who live on extremely expensive estates and who own many big corporations such as Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon's Jeff Bezos and the infamous Donald Trump who owns the Trump Taj Mahal. These names are one of the few people who occupy the top 1% of wealth. The wage gap is the wealth gap that is the amount of money that CEO's make compared to their workers. Many capitalist countries have a wage gap between their CEO's and workers but none as massive as America's wage gap. To show you the significance of this problem lets compare wage gaps between the U.K. and America. In 2004 the wage gap in the U.K. in reference of CEO's and employees was about 22:1. This means that a CEO in the U.K. made 22x more than an average worker. Now in America the wage gap was approximately 475:1. That is an astounding 475x more than an average worker and this has only grown since then.
Now lets talk about why this. There are many different things of why this is but the main reason is do to tax breaks that huge companies get when they pay huge lumps sums of money to politicians to vote in favor these huge corporations. This has got so bad that recently the Supreme Court has ordered the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, to explain why in 2015 Apple paid no taxes what so ever. Tom Cook explained how he did not break any laws and this is the problem. Apple this huge juggernaut with an estimated net worth of $700 billion by Times paid $0 in taxes should and is a huge, massive red flag that shows this gaping hole that politicians have been ignoring because these same companies pay hem to look the other way. By politicians doing this for decades it led to putting this huge boulder on the common people to keep the U.S. afloat. In 2008 we saw the result of what happens when only one part in a machine moves n the proper rotation.
I have a few solutions to solve this unfair distribution of wealth in America. My first proposal is to put back on a cap to how much a person or corporations can donate or buy politicians so they won't have the biggest influence in making laws. I believe that right belongs to the common people who want to make a change. Then the next step would be to raise the Federal Minimum Wage in America. Many conservatives will say doing this will make us a communist country because they think this will push more jobs over seas but this is very minimal. If the minimum wage was raised yes some jobs but not to do to the raise of minimum wage. Companies will do this to simply to scare us and to give them power. The reality is the companies don't have the power, we the people as consumers do. America is the worlds biggest consumer country. We, the people have the power to decide what products sell successfully and which products are scrapped. Plus the more money we the consumers have it's more money we'll spend because we we have needs and wants that can never be subsided. My final proposition to fix this problem is to make community colleges tuition free. Now I know this is a very controversial but the one thing that could have stopped this from getting to the point is knowledge and education of the problem. As a nation we should be aware of all of our flaws and this starts by learning and having knowledge to improve this.
The policy I want to improve has to do with the California Visual Arts Standards. I've noticed that the music aspect of the arts are actually very riveting and should be challenging to those that really want to know music but music appreciation or theory or even beginning instrumental instruction isn't offered. I was in my high school music program for 3 years and I have never been asked to do something like this for example:
- 2.1 Sing a repertoire of vocal literature representing various genres, styles, and cultures with expression, technical accuracy, tone quality, vowel shape, and articulation written and memorized, by oneself and in ensembles (level of difficulty: 5 on a scale of 1-6
This is one subsection under the 2.0 Creative Expression section of the High School music standards. I understand that some people may not be comfortable with something like this but I feel like it's an essential part of growing up and experiencing what life is really about. Music and the arts are part of our daily lives and how is somebody going to know that they're meant to be musicians if they aren't given that experience in school? Not only is it helpful to person taking the class but it can also improve test scores, since that is what most schools want. I've been told that principals would rather spend money on technology than a music program but why? What is the logic behind giving students an Ipad, for example, when the student's phones are more technologically advanced than the Ipad. Technology is not the problem. My school has Ipads but I never get to see them. The Drama department uses them and this Chromebook that I'm using to write this, is supplied with my teacher's own money. The people making the decisions want to see an improvement and what not but they don't invest in the kids. We are, by all technicalities, the future of this nation. The future leaders, workers, bums, and CEO's. Other countries have seen the benefits of having music in their core curriculum and that's my proposal. To have a music appreciation class be part of the core curriculum at High Schools, not just a optional elective. The reasons are simple. Music requires the use of creative and intuitive processes, both of which I fail to see utilized on a daily basis, it's fun and will garnish much more enthusiasm for other subjects and will help students find their true calling in life. Sure it's a big expense and I know everything is politics but would the big bosses and leaders really see it unfit and obsolete to invest in the future of this country?
Studies show that students usually dont go to sleep until 11pm and starting school an hour later wil help because they will get more rest for the next day. Starting school later will also help them with school mentally.
Student in middle and high school tend to get less sleep due to the start time of school. Delaying the start time to just one hour can help with this problem.
The starting salary in washington state is 34k and the average is about 53k
I chose this topic because the rate of High School Dropouts is increasing each year. According to Every year over 1.2 Million students dropout of High School in The United States alone. Almost 2,000 High School across the U.S. graduate less than 60% of their students.
Topic: Obesity
A rising issue in america is obesity. Nearly two-thirds of adult americans are overweight or obese. Obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. There Unlike other public health issues, making only one policy will not work. Policy actions to reduce obesity should target the food environments, and physical activity environments. While being obese is ultimately an individual’s choice, certain environments can be changed to reduce the obesity epidemic.
What is obesity?
Overweight and obesity are calculated by based on a scale called Body Mass Index. The BMI is a ratio of weight-to-height. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults with a BMI less than 25 are considered normal weight. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. This tool is okay in calculating for obesity, but the best method is “waist circumference”. Here is an adult table:
Health Consequences:
Obesity can cause numerous health consequences. You get tired more often. You have less energy.Type II diabetes has the strongest association with obesity. Cardiovascular diseases are known to be linked to obesity. In the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, which assessed the association between obesity and cardiovascular disease in 6,814 people aged 45 to 84 years, showed that a higher BMI was associated with the disease. The World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research recently reported evidence that overweight and obesity increased the risk of cancers of the esophagus, pancreas, colon and rectum, breast, and kidney.
Causes of Obesity:
There is no single cause for obesity. Obesity can develop from a number of reasons. Obesity can be caused by genetics, hormones, social and environmental factors, inactive lifestyles, unhealthy dietary habits and everything in between. However, the most probable cause of obesity the economy. When a government’s economy is failing, social inequalities become greater. Lower class citizens can not afford to buy healthy foods and unhealthy foods are cheaper and more accessible. High intake of energy foods such as sugar is a major cause of obesity as well. Studies have shown that sugar can be as addictive as drugs. Food labels are not required to put the daily recommendation of sugar. This is a big problem because sugar is what is causing many people to gain excessive weight, even if they are exercising. Sugar products are the most advertised by companies because they know, sugar sells. For example in 12 oz of soda, there is 10 grams of sugar. In 12 oz of orange juice is 8 teaspoons of sugar. A starbucks frappuccino has 25 tsp of sugar (100 grams). Only 1 in 6 schools require P.E. 3 days a week or more. Today there is no federal requirement for PE in america. If we contiue how we are going, health
My Policies:
To stop the rising american obesity epidemic, I am proposing a law that
K-12 PE daily in all schools
Requires all food corporations and industries to advertise healthy foods for every unhealthy food.
Schools are required to teach Healthy eating at each grade level.
All schools will follow healthy eating program
1 hour of recess at school
Sugar beverages cannot be advertised
How it will be implemented:
FDA will approve it.
By the government and law. All schools will be required to follow the same lunch program and food regulations policy. All food stores will have to follow the same Healthy advertising regulations. They will not be permitted to put unhealthy foods in the reach of children. Nor display candy at checkout stations. Schools will be required to have 1 hour of recess. Kids have fun playing, while exercising. All television advertisements will have to follow healthy advertising policy. Fines will be given to Idustries that break the policies by the FDA.
Grade analysis
Long/short term implications of how the proposal will affect the global and local community:
Short term
Healthier Food
Weight loss
Emotionally Healthier people
Immediate support
Less temptations
Less advertising
Long Term:
Better community health
Less diseases
Healthier food for everyone
Connection between the problem and the solution:
The problem is obesity. Obesity is caused by the consumption of unhealthy food. The question is: What is healthy food? Healthy food should not be defined by the company that makes it, it should be defined by the FDA. Companies say that there foods are healthy when they know they are not. Companies should not be able to advertise food using animated cartoons and famous celebrities because it tricks children because they do not know any better. Parents do not have an easy task on keeping their children healthy. With all the advertising, it is no wonder why obesity has tripled in past 3 decades. Industry does not want a compromise. What needs to be made is a strong set of regulations on advertising and sales on unhealthy food. This will cause obesity to decrease. Physical exercise has been shown to make you smarter.
What are your thoughts on the school standards and common core of your school system? Do you feel forced to have the "right" answer all the time? Do you agree or disagree with the topic of students being forced into the same perspectives? Also, from experience do you find yourself more focused on what letter grade you received in the course opposed to the actual knowledge taken in from this class?
Do you think it would be a good idea to require all public high schools and middle schools to have a professional school psychologist? The psychologist could be used for talking about stress, anxiety, social issues, depression, or any problems really. Counselors are good for talking to but they are busy with work most of the time and a psychologist would have a better idea on how to help students cope with their problems.
Cyber Bullying
Bullying is a big issue in America. Bullying is unnecessary and destroys lives. Psychologically kids/students who experience bullying are affected. Their percentage of being successful decreases and feel emotional distress (depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and also decreases their academic achievement). Bullying does not only happen physically or verbally but it also happens through the World Wide Web. Many kids suffer from bullying and a lot of the people who do bully kids are doing it behind the scenes, where it seems like nothing can be done.
Over 3.2 million students are being bullied each year. One third of people that are being bullied admit that it also happens through the web (cyber). This becomes a huge effect on their education and their grades and performance drops drastically.
Policy - Technology is improving drastically. Each day we discover new ways to connect to the internet. Every second, thousands and thousands of gigabytes data is being used just on social media. And millions of people are sharing information with each other every second. The question is who is monitoring what goes on the cyber world? Is it even safe? The safest law and protection we have that we inforce is the Patriot Act which only protects the U.S. as a whole from any terrorism. In 2007-2014, 23% of students were victims in the period of 7 years. 83% percent of students say bullying has a negative impact on their self – esteem. The goal for the policy is to decrease the percentage of victims who are exposed to cyber bullying and also discipline those who abuse internet rights. To abuse rights is to offend another person or dehumanizing another. No one should be victims of bullying; it destroys lives and can ruin someone’s future. In order for victims of Cyber bullying to decrease, there must be some type supervision or a filter to things that are posted online so that no can be offended. Now offense can vary because some people can take things offensively when no harm was intended. Companies that make product or something that is used by the consumers are responsible for any danger or harm the product could bring to a human being. Social media companies make their websites or media very vulnerable to cyber bullying. Anything can be shared online and not many people will say or report the problem to an older person. Facebook happens to be one of the worst social media websites for bullying. Although Facebook is not responsible for the death or victims of cyberbullying, they do make it accessible and easy attempt and succeed. In this case Facebook and many other Social media companies should discipline those who abuse Internet rights and filter their websites. This would cost money for Social media companies in order to filter or hire extra people to over watch the internet. Now the funding for the Social media companies make a great amount of money so it would not be an issue paying it off.
Our Cap project is about educating students on discrimination and how it will have many advantages for both students and teachers. If you'd be willing, we would love to hear opinions, comments or questions on educating students k-12 on Discrimination.
To decrease obesity ratings in Washington State, P.E courses should incorporate a straight fitness/conditioning class from kindergarten all the way through High school. There will be 3 different levels of fitness that students need to master: level 1 is the low/basic level, which involves minimal skill and movement; level 2 is the medium level, involving moderate skill and movement; level 3 is the high level, which provides greater skill, knowledge and movement. The standards that determine your level will be based on grade level and physical capacity and ability. The standards will be created by trained professionals in fitness. The goal is to become proficient at level 3 by the end of each school year. Since this would start at an early age there will be a greater awareness of health by the time student’s graduate, which will make being fit and maintaining a healthier lifestyle a natural state of mind.Goal: To reduce obesity and promote fitness at a younger age creating a healthier awareness amongst the young people of Washington State.Rivals:Supporters -· Students· Administration· Parents· PE TeachersOpposes -· Students (students who may be unmotivated in fitness)· Administration (adding additional standards)· PE Teachers (Having additional work to do). Unhealthy food corporations (Candy companies, chip companies and etc.)Advantages: Fitness promotes motivation in all aspects of life.Example: Health you’re going to be fit from a young age which will give you a healthy awareness as a toddler. Being fit your more nutritional which helps you physically and mentally, which means great focus and success in your activities and school work. You’re going to look good and when you look good you feel good, you’ll think you can take on the world.Disadvantages: More structured Physical Education, which means a greater focus in fitness and higher expectation level for toddlers all the way through high school.Evaluate: This program is starting at a young age. By the time these kids become adults their awareness of health will be through the roof. As well as awareness of health, academic success will have an increase because it’s scientifically proven that great nutrition helps the brain and increases focus.Price: Tax rate will raise from 9.5% to 11.5%. That extra two percent will be for the funding of this program. It’ll get this program up and running and will take care of the money we need to pay for our professionals.Testing- The Obesity rating for children in Washington State from ages 2-4 is 14% and from ages 10-17 is 11%. Knowing these ratings were going to test this program for 1 year. Obesity tends to increase every year. Therefore well know the program will become a success if the by the end the year there is an obesity decrease or no obesity increase.Rewards- Each professional that completes the program through the year and shows the progress in students fitness they get 100$ bonus in their next check. The top 3 teachers in each state that has the greatest fitness progress will get an extra 100 on their next check as well.
hi everyone! our CAP project is about promoting interactions between students who are not in special education and students who are. the big deal with this lack of communication is that, in the long-run, the students in special education will not develop social skills that are really essential! so any advice on what steps to take next would be really helpful!
It is very difficult to wake up in the morning and prepare for school and not be late. Students demand more time to sleep to get ready for school and actually prepare for what the day has to teach. If school started later we would be able to focus more in class. Do you guys think it's a good idea to push the school start time an hour later? For instance, instead of 8:00am to 3:00pm, it should be 9:00am to 4:00pm.
According to California Education Code section 35186, “there should be no teacher vacancies or misassignment… the teacher should have the proper credential to teach the class.” As of 2015 the San Lorenzo school district lost 90 teachers and we began the school year with 25 open positions whereas neighboring district averaged 6 open positions. This number has been predicted double as of the year 2016. This is due to the uncompetitive wages offered by the district (salary percentage of how much more OTHER districts make can be found here: Since the wages offered by neighboring districts are so much higher we end up losing our best teachers to these other districts. This leaves us with only new teachers and a mass amount of subs, degrading the education quality of our school and violating ed code.
The school's period schedule should be reverted back to block schedule. Student are struggling to keep up with six different subjects everyday. Making it three subjects a day with longer class time would be beneficial to the students. Student will have more time to learn in class, discuss, and ask any questions they can't with shorter amount of class time. Also, more work will be completed in class so if the students don't understand, they can ask for help. With a period schedule, more work is left over to do at home with causes stress. Less sleep is experienced by most students because they struggle to finish all their work. Starting a petition by the parents can help change the school's schedule.
The problem is children are being abused and not enough people are helping stop it !
More than 5 children die everyday as a result of child abuse.
Our goal is to inform as many people as possible about child abuse and identify the signs that prevent it.
Possible signs that child abuse is happening include:
Behavior changes
Changes in school performance
Eating habits that lead to extreme weight gain or loss
Visible unexplained injuries
Use of drugs or alcohol

Our group's goal is to get a stoplight on a street by our school. There is a stop sign on this street but every time you walk across it to get food for lunch, the cars are impatient so they don't stop. That puts you at risk of getting injured by a car who doesn't stop. So far we, our civic actions consisted of doing a PSA, surveys, student interviews, and research on the topic (how to get a stoplight, who to contact, how many people have been hurt/killed, etc). How can we improve on our topic?
Proposed New Policy
Most students in school dislike the school lunch. Students not liking school lunch leads to a lot of problems with money because the students waste the food. Not only is it a money issue but it is a problem with students in high school getting in trouble because leaving the campus to get better food. There should be a policy where the state provides better food for students in school.
G: The goal is to provide better school lunch for students to enjoy.
R: The supporters would be the the students who agree with having better lunch in school. The people agianst the policy are citizens who believe eating more wheat products are better and the goverment who has to provide the more expensive food
A: The advantages of the policy would be that more students would stop wasting food and money would not go to waste
D: The disadvantages is that the food is not a healthy and that it would cost more
E: Based on the comparison between the disadvantages and advantages it seems that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages making this policy realistic
Our Cap project is about implementing the block scheduling into our school and how it will have many advantages for our students and teachers. If you'd be willing, we would love to hear opinions, comments or questions on block scheduling.
My group is targeting Child Obesity in the united states. Its targeting the children now and tomorrow. fast food is an influencing factor to children of all ages, ranging from 1-18. we should change the way fast food is looked at, it shouldn't be promoted as a good thing. fast food should should advertise whats really in their food. Obesity can lead to diabetes, coronary vascular disease, heart attack, stroke, and even cancer. The children of today are our tomorrow and with things like these health problems leading to possible death, child obesity has got to stop.
it mostly starts with parents that are influencing their children.
what are the main reasons causing child obesity and how can we solve them?
lets start small and then move on to tackling the bigger problems about child obesity.
My group chose child obesity as our topic because it has become a problem over the years. Many people in America have busy lives and the easiest things to eat, is fast food. Eating fast food frequently causes the body to store extra calories,has high blood pressure, shortness of breath, is hard on the heart and promotes headaches. Adults and family members influence how children eat, so if they are not eating healthy, the child will not be healthy. Taking out GMOs will help with this problem as well.
What we can do to prevent this, is that children will have a "well child" check up every year and if they are considered "obese" the child will be required to go to a physical fitness program. If they do not go then the parents will get fined. Yes, weight can be genetic but there is no reason to why people can not workout or eat healthy. Depending on how much over weight they are from "obese" they are from the scale, determines the amount of money the parents will get fined.
I am currently a senior at Arroyo High School and have encountered a huge obstacle throughout my student career: there simply are not enough textbooks for students to use.
However, the San Lorenzo Unified School District--which Arroyo is a part of--claims to be in accordance with Ed Code 35186 to provide "sufficient textbooks and instructional materials." In other words, the policy stated on their district website supposedly aims to supply "each student, including an English learner, [ . . . ] a textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to take home." (To view the SLZUSD's Ed Code and Williams Uniform Complaint Procedure Form, follow this link: For the past four years, I have not seen a change or even an attempt to resolve this issue. From a personal eye-view, I have seen my learning experience, as well as others, hindered and obstructed by insufficient textbooks and materials.
Because there is inadequacy and a lacking in learning tools, I believe a potential solution is to address this issue by, first and foremost, purchasing more and newer textbook materials, But, my question is--Why not eBooks instead of printed text?
In this contemporary age, eBooks offer a variety of benefits that traditional textbooks do not give. For instance, eBooks are supplemented with extra online resources, extensive side notes, interactive videos, and are especially more accessible and portable.
If the SLZUSD is planning to be compliant and adhere to the Ed Code of supplying students with sufficient textbooks, why not implement the full-scale shift to eBooks?
I would like to hear all of your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas!
Attached as a YouTube link is a PSA video that my CAP group and I have created to present this issue:
With the history of the government adding fluoride to the water system without there being any real need for it do you think that water fluoridation should be abolished?
Fluoride is put in tooth paste and mouth wash to help whiten teeth. this makes sense considering fluoride works topically. However what is the purpose of adding fluoride to water when studies done have proven that even since the addition of fluoride in public water supplies the dental health of a population is nearly directly scaled with castes and economy as they bring dental opportunities. Being that fluoride is the only chemical added to water for dental health as well as the fact that the amount of fluoride in water cannot be controlled, make this act unnecessary and quite frankly inhumane. When there are "drugs" begin added to our water we can not even deny ingesting them, there have been filters known to take out most of the fluoride in water yet even the filters are unsuccessful at removing all of the unneeded fluoride. With too much fluoride in the human body there are negative effects that may make functions of the brain fail. With the countless reasons to oppose the addition of fluoride fighting against the single, phantom reason of dental health, the war goes in favor of opposition and concludes that water fluoridation should be ceased.
Arroyo's new sports complex was built 3 years ago, and while it includes new fields, courts, and a track, one of the most important components was left out. There is no water fountain. Student athletes need to stay hydrated, so our cap goal is to have a water fountain installed in the complex. How can we achieve our goal? We are open to questions, comments, etc.
My group's project is targeting obesity in children, within the United States. This is a problem that is not only affecting the youth today, but the people of tomorrow. With fast food being widespread, we should at least implement healthier foods within these food companies. Obesity can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, coronary vascular disease, heart attack, stroke, and even cancer. All of these can lead to an early death. The children now are our future, which means we should keep them healthy and give them the opportunity to live longer lives.
Can we stop obesity early by implementing healthier foods into fast food places?
What are different opportunities we can take to make people more aware of the problem at hand?
Our project will answer all of these questions, and hopefully aid in child obesity.
We want to lower tuition for college, we need to get all the less fortunate an opportunity to show how successful they can really be if they just get a chance at a good school without having to worry about finances.
Our campus (Arroyo High School) has a lack of green foliage and no signs of vegetation, so our cap project focuses on bringing plant life to the Arroyan campus. We've interviewed others on the effect greenery has on student education and the benefits of having a positive learning environment. How can we further expand our civic actions and come closer to achieving our goal?
I think the minimum wage in San Lorenzo, CA should be raised . Many families are currently struggling to put food on the table because the minimum wage is not sufficient enough for the cost of living
Our project involves removing the policy that states that teachers can use homework as a part of your grade. We believe that homework is not necessary to prove whether a student knows certain concepts or not. Homework is purely practice for what you know. It is useful, however, to solidify your knowledge but it should not be required as a portion of your grade. Some of the reasons we have found that it would be effective to remove this policy is that some students get overly stressed out by homework preventing their focus in class where they actually learn the materials.
This support group for any teenager who is in need of help and encourage them to open up about their problems. For example when they are stressed about issues in their own home, or at school, cyberbullied or peer pressured. This group would offer teens a community of friends to talk to.
I propose that the group should meet once a week during lunch time. And that the group would be divided amongst grade levels, this is because of the differences in maturity levels and differences of issues they may be experiencing.
The music room at Arroyo High school holds about 32 students in one class period, but contains approximately 60 students. There are instruments all around the classroom and equipment that is not safely secured. For this problem we want to have a bigger facility for the music department. By having a more adequate storage facility the department will be able to educate students better.
The general consensus is that Arroyo's school lunches are disgusting. Our goal is to give students suitable lunches.
The nutritional facts on Good Day Catering haven't been updated for 2015-2016. There isn't a full sheet of what's in the foods they're serving.
Some students have complained about the food being under-cooked.
In our initial survey:
No one believes the lunches are healthy.
5/26 people agreed that the lunches are "as healthy as they can afford it to be."
5/26 people responded with "It's healthy?"
4/26 people believe the lunches aren't that healthy.
2/26 people believe the lunches aren't healthy at all.
10/26 people didn't know.
2/17 Think school lunch isn't worth the cost.
10/17 Hate the taste of the school lunches.
1/17 Bring lunch to save time by not standing in line.
2/17 Aren't satisfied by the school lunches.
Our extracurricular activities are not being funded properly. (i.e. Bus accessibility for athletes, music instruments & equipment, art supplies, etc)
For a very long time, the marching band has been using parent carpools to attend the competitions. That is 50-60 students and instructors, 30+ instruments, guard equipment, and food worth of carpools that we have to find usually last minute due to our lack in funds to rent a bus.
So far, athletes and musicians alike are doing mandatory fundraisers, but it is not enough to provide for their programs.
According to the education code section 35160-35178.4, the Legislature has the intent to give school districts, county boards of education, and county superintendents authority of carry on activities and programs, including the expenditure of funds for said programs and activities which are necessary or desirable in meeting their needs.
We need more funds appropriated towards our SLZ district programs.
At the start of this year, SLZUSD had 28 unfilled full time teaching positions, which is roughly 4x the amount of the second highest of unfilled teaching positions in the districts in our area. Additionally, total compensation in SLZUSD is the lowest among all other districts in our area.
OK. Why is this a problem Tristan?
This is a problem because having all of these unfilled full time teaching positions being ¨filled¨ by people who are not qualified to be teaching for an extended period of time is impacting students learning and causing them to be left behind by people who have a qualified teacher teaching them. Additionally, having lower total compensation is causing younger, better teachers to either leave this district and go work for other districts so they can make more money, doing the same amount of work, or causing them to skip over us entirely. This is a problem because as the current teachers get older and start to retire, there isn't going to be anybody to take over when they are all gone, and we will be left with only a series of long term subs teaching the future of the world.

My group's CAP project is on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). We realize that it is a great tool for communication, but it is also a platform for fabricated news, bullying, stalking (stranger danger), encourages procrastination, and much more.
Should social media be more restrictive, i.e. create more privacy settings and other options for users to protect themselves?
How can we spread the dangers of social media effectively? Every day, there are news on how users make themselves vulnerable on their social media platforms, yet people disregard the dangers and have the "It won't happen to me" mindset.
We are trying to find out more information regarding how social media negatively affects teens in order to share our knowledge. Thank you!
Hello! Thanks for coming to our discussion.
The truth is, the quality of our school lunches are horrendous, and we need to stand up for a better quality and nutritional meal that can be provided for us. From the mushy chicken sandwich to the pasty taco salad, this needs to stop! Our portion sizes are no where near filling, and the price is crazy for the amount of food we receive. Feel free to comment your opinion below!
our problem is that our counselors don't help our students with emotional troubles and we want to get a professional therapist for the students. Is there any laws or way we can get on campus if so how?
My group and I believe that the class, home economics, teaches specific skills high school students would need in the future. We have interviewed students, and all of them responded with, they believe that they are not ready for the real world. They are not ready to pay bills, to buy a house or a car, they have no real world experience or knowledge outside of what they observe from adults.
Our school has a classroom for home economics, but since we no longer provide this course it is now used for a math class. Not only does the school have a classroom that can be used for the course, but we also have a teacher on campus who has the credential to teach home economics.
We will be going around surveying students about how they feel towards bringing the course back and if the course was brought back would they take the course.
How do you feel about the education code of not being followed with students in Philosophy not having books to take home which is suppose to be guarantee by the education code 35186.
My group believes that our current bus schedule for high school athletes in the San Lorenzo Unified School District creates a problem. The district prioritizes buses for picking up and dropping off elementary school students over transportation to sports games for high school athletes. As a result, high school athletes are forced to leave class earlier than necessary, thus missing class (part of fifth and all of last period) twice a week.
The district has enough buses but not enough drivers. However, the district is unwilling in spending more funding on hiring more bus drivers to accommodate the need. Please advise us on how we can convince the school board members to invest more money on transportation (and in turns on high school students' education).
Our temporary solution is to ask for the counselors to avoid putting AP classes in fifth and sixth period. But this temporary solution has its flaws as this will affect regular (non-AP) classes and their students.
My Civic Action Team have chosen the subject of improving CPS. In this Civic Action we found out that people just aren't interested in this career because of the very low pay so therefore we are trying to ask people to apply.
What do you think needs to be improved regarding to CPS?
Our topic is the Drought-Water Conservation We are trying to come up with a policy for people and mostly home owners to be concerned about how much usage of water is being distributed and how it can further affect the world. We need a strict policy.
Schools nowadays have become so dependent on the use of technology that they've lost the ability to let students learn with hands on activities. Schools only focus on teaching you the information to pass the standardized tests than the information that will get you farther in life. Making schools become montessori will get students to engage more with the class through hands on activities and there'll be smaller class sizes for more one on one with the teacher/instructor. This set up will hopefully encourage more students to do well in school, which in turn will reduce the drop out rate. As well as encourage those students to find a career that they are interested in, so they can further educate themselves through a university, trade school, or technical college.
Goals: Make schools more interesting with hands on learning, smaller class sizes, and more one-on-one time with teachers.
- Students- Learn information in unique and different ways which in turn will make them more interested in education.
- Parents- Their children would be more willing to get a higher education knowing what they want to do.
- Teachers- They will have more students passing their classes with higher grades.
- Teachers- Would have to be more involved with their students learning
- Taxpayers- In order for classes to be more interesting the schools would need to buy more supplies.
- Schools Districts- With class sizes being smaller, school systems would need to find ways of offering more classes without changing school size.
- More one-on-one time for students to get help from teachers.
- Smaller class sizes.
- Hands on projects will keep student interested in learning.
- Students will get better grades from being more interested in school (Hopefully).
- Students will know what they want to learn for their major/minor.
- Reduced drop out rate (Hopefully).
- More jobs for teachers.
- Limited number of students allowed in schools.
- School systems would need to enlarge schools or create more schools.
- Not all students enjoy hands on learning.
- Taxes would go up to pay for the supplies.
Feel free to ask any questions or offer up ideas to make this better. We're open to suggestions.
-Nastasjia Plunkett, Selena Krivoruchko, Kenya Parker
Schools nowadays have become so dependent on the use of technology that they've lost the ability to let students learn with hands on activities. Schools only focus on teaching you the information to pass the standardized tests than the information that will get you farther in life. Making schools become montessori will get students to engage more with the class through hands on activities and there'll be smaller class sizes for more one on one with the teacher/instructor. This set up will hopefully encourage more students to do well in school, which in turn will reduce the drop out rate. As well as encourage those students to find a career that they are interested in, so they can further educate themselves through a university, trade school, or technical college.
Goals: Make schools more interesting with hands on learning, smaller class sizes, and more one-on-one time with teachers.
- Students- Learn information in unique and different ways which in turn will make them more interested in education.
- Parents- Their children would be more willing to get a higher education knowing what they want to do.
- Teachers- They will have more students passing their classes with higher grades.
- Teachers- Would have to be more involved with their students learning
- Taxpayers- In order for classes to be more interesting the schools would need to buy more supplies.
- Schools Districts- With class sizes being smaller, school systems would need to find ways of offering more classes without changing school size.
- More one-on-one time for students to get help from teachers.
- Smaller class sizes.
- Hands on projects will keep student interested in learning.
- Students will get better grades from being more interested in school (Hopefully).
- Students will know what they want to learn for their major/minor.
- Reduced drop out rate (Hopefully).
- More jobs for teachers.
- Limited number of students allowed in schools.
- School systems would need to enlarge schools or create more schools.
- Not all students enjoy hands on learning.
- Taxes would go up to pay for the supplies.
Feel free to ask any questions or offer up ideas to make this better. We're open to suggestions.
-Kenya Parker,Selena Krivoruchko, Nastasjia Plunkett
Do you think bike lanes being small are a problem in our community? do you think they risk others lifes?
Do you think plastic should be abolished to help the environment ?
If you could change anything from the school lunch what would you change it and why?
What are some of the ideas that you might have that will help rent control in the bay area ?
Gun Violence has been a rising epidemic throughout the world over the past decade and has been responsible for casualties of innocent citizens. The issue surrounding firearms falling into the wrong hands is seen frequently on the news and in the media, but the United States has yet to take the initiative to create and enforce new policies and laws that are more strict to try to prevent any more casualties due to guns. When people see reports on the news about a shooting that led to a mass casualty, their typical response is to send their prayers to the family who lost a loved one or to the town who is left mourning, they may even post a new status on Facebook telling their friends to pray and keep the town in their minds for moral support, but that is not going to stop or prevent the issue. The United States needs to create new policies, laws, and regulations to protect our beloved country from gun violence threats.
In order to solve this major issue our country is facing, we propose that every current and potential gun owner must successfully pass a thorough background check in order to purchase and own a firearm. Background checks are used already by major businesses who want to make sure their employees are people they can trust, policemen and investigators use them as well to gain information at the person at hand. The background checks will check the following specifics: any personal or family history with criminal records, personal and family history with health records, employment records, relationship status, and reason for wanting to own the firearm.There shall also be an in-person interview given to each individual who wishes to own a gun to make certain that the person gaining access to the firearm is healthy and trustworthy enough to do so. This test will be performed by trained investigators in each state hired by the government to fulfill the needs for these checks as a full time job.
Since it is written in the Constitution, in Amendment 2 that American citizens have the right to bear arms, some may find this policy as unconstitutional; although in order to solve the problem, people need to make a compromise to achieve the outcome they desire. In this case, if United States citizens want to eliminate or at least reduce the amount of gun violence in the country, then the United States government shall then have to impose new laws and polices to reduce the total freedom the citizens have towards their gun rights in order to protect the people of this country.
It is the harsh reality that it is impossible to completely eliminate every single gun from the United States, and even the world, since unfortunately there are people who sell guns and other firearms and weapons on the black market and in secret from the government. But although we cannot destroy the violence entirely, this policy will reduce the amount of incidents resulting in casualties due to firearms because the government will eliminate the easy access to guns for criminals, mentally and emotionally unstable, and other threatening people. Also, the background checks could do more than just benefit the general public for when the individual forgoes these background checks and interviews and health screenings, they may become aware of any health conditions they were previously unaware they had. The public shall most likely approve this proposed regulation because it will give them the peace of mind of living in a protected manner knowing that guns will be issued only to those who passed the exams given by the United States government.
Teachers have one of the most important roles in society. However, a teachers compensation for their services is not enough given the role they play, and the B.S they go through to teach kids. Our plan is to raise the average teacher salary to $60,000 to encourage more people to become teachers and to give teachers a fair compensation for their services. The money for this would come from a .5% increase in state sales taxes. This would only be small tax increase, but would still bring in millions of extra dollars.
I want to start policy about The USA's health care. I want to make it less expensive to get medical attention and prescriptions. If you have a opinion about reducing medical prices or improving Obama care please share. What would you do if you couldn't afford a prescription that keeps you alive?
To decrease our obesity ratings we should change p.e into just a straight fitness/conditioning class from kindergarten all the way though High school. There will be 3 different levels of fitness you can be in level 1 is the low level, level 2 in the medium level, level 3 is the high level. The standards that your determine your level will be based on your grade level. The standards will be created by trained professionals in fitness. the goal is to become level 3 by the end of each year your in school. Since this would start at an early age being fit is all people would know so the health in our nation will have a major increase.
Goal: To reduce obesity and promote fitness nationwide.
Supporters -
- Students
- Administration
- Parents
- PE Teachers
Opposers -
- Students (who don't care for fitness)
- Administration (not wanting to change old standards)
- PE Teachers (not wanting to work harder)
Advantages: Fitness promotes motivation in all aspects of life.
Example: Health, in school academically, confidence, etc.
Disadvantages: Honestly, less fun in PE classes.
Evaluate: Policy will work and will only benefit students in all aspects rather than do harm.
Schools nowadays have become so dependent on the use of technology that they've lost the ability to let students learn with hands on activities. Schools only focus on teaching you the information to pass the standardized tests than the information that will get you farther in life. Making schools become montessori will get students to engage more with the class through hands on activities and there'll be smaller class sizes for more one on one with the teacher/instructor. This set up will hopefully encourage more students to do well in school, which in turn will reduce the drop out rate. As well as encourage those students to find a career that they are interested in, so they can further educate themselves through a university, trade school, or technical college.
Goals: Make schools more interesting with hands on learning, smaller class sizes, and more one-on-one time with teachers.
- Students- Learn information in unique and different ways which in turn will make them more interested in education.
- Parents- Their children would be more willing to get a higher education knowing what they want to do.
- Teachers- They will have more students passing their classes with higher grades.
- Teachers- Would have to be more involved with their students learning
- Taxpayers- In order for classes to be more interesting the schools would need to buy more supplies.
- Schools Districts- With class sizes being smaller, school systems would need to find ways of offering more classes without changing school size.
- More one-on-one time for students to get help from teachers.
- Smaller class sizes.
- Hands on projects will keep student interested in learning.
- Students will get better grades from being more interested in school (Hopefully).
- Students will know what they want to learn for their major/minor.
- Reduced drop out rate (Hopefully).
- More jobs for teachers.
- Limited number of students allowed in schools.
- School systems would need to enlarge schools or create more schools.
- Not all students enjoy hands on learning.
- Taxes would go up to pay for the supplies.
Feel free to ask any questions or offer up ideas to make this better. We're open to suggestions.
-Selena Krivoruchko, Kenya Parker, Nastasjia Plunkett
Animals bred for livestock in places like factory farms, generally live among'st many diseases. Their environment is usually unsafe, unhealthy, and unlivable. To keep the animals from prematurely dying, do to disease, factory farmers often inject animals with antibiotics. Once the animals have been processed into food products, we buy and consume them, along with the antibiotics the animals once were given. This causes people to become immune to their prescriptions and medications. If this continues, people will have an even harder time recovering from an illness. If animals were to live in a safe healthy environment, there would'nt be a need for antibiotics in the first place.
There are many issues with school lunches from the look and the taste. Everyone is a different size and have a different metabolism so why feed everyone the smallest amount of food to grown high school students. Do you agree with this? What else can go wrong besides the taste of what we`re getting feed.
I am trying to come up with a policy that will make a better living environment for livestock. Most farms are full of feces and the animals become sick and infected with sickness. To get rid of the infection, the animals are injected with antibodies that fight it. When we consume these animals we become immune to certain antibodies that fight common illness, like the cold, and because of it we need stronger vaccines.
Montessori curriculum in schools will decrease the amount of high school dropouts because it is a hands on curriculum. With that curriculum, there is more time for teachers/instructors to actually teach and connect with their students because there is more time to go through demonstrations and perform experiments. The montessori curriculum allows there to be smaller class size which will allow teachers and students to have a great classroom relationship and allow more one on one time. The curriculum also allows the community to be unified, so students and teachers do community service projects together and experience real world connections. Montessori curriculum will decrease the amount of high school drop outs because students will be more interested in school.
Even though America is reducing poverty rates we still have many that will enter into poverty. As of now 45 million Americans are bordering the poverty line or below. The poverty line being the minimum income deemed healthy enough and safe to sustain a person and/or their family size. What are ideas to bring more jobs to the public, raise wages without severe damages to one side, and help the homeless recover?
School has become more about the lectures and standardized tests than the actual education and retaining information. If school was more interesting to the student, they would be way less likely to dropout or act out in the classroom because the teacher has the full attention of the students. Along with montessorri being more affected with the student feeling like they are getting things done with class and they are actually learning something they will have a better relationship with their teacher, when you have a better relationship with your teacher you're more likely to not be scared to ask questions and get the information you need from your instructor.
Terrorism is a big problem

Schools nowadays have become so dependent on the use of technology that they've lost the ability to let students learn with hands on activities. Schools only focus on teaching you the information to pass the standardized tests than the information that will get you farther in life. Making schools become montessori will get students to engage more with the class through hands on activities and there'll be smaller class sizes for more one on one with the teacher/instructor. This set up will hopefully encourage more students to do well in school, which in turn will reduce the drop out rate. As well as encourage those students to find a career that they are interested in, so they can further educate themselves through a university, trade school, or technical college.
I can't change other people's perspective on police brutality but i think its becoming an issue that's getting out of hand.
I am trying to come up with a policy that will help the environment to be cleaner by reducing the rate of emission into the air. I think that the air will be cleaner when we reduce the rate of the poisonous gases to the air by making the companies more environmental friendly.
I propose that we make school start at 10 am everyday and make each period one hour long. At Todd Beamer, we have block schedules of four periods per day and periods are 1 hour and 30 minutes long. if we started school at 10 am and completely took out our lunch periods (considering we're only at school for 4 hours, we can last that long without school provided lunch) we would be out of school at 2 pm (normal time) and continue days as normal. This will give students more resting time at night and more time to wake up in the morning making it easier to focus when they finally arrive at school. This will also save money by not having to provide lunch for students. This will also provide more time for students who have jobs and/or do sports to catch up on school work.
Goal: To save money and make learning more convenient for students
- Opposers:
- Teachers, less work hours = less pay.
- Parents, not want kids home alone before school while they go to work.
- Supporters:
- Students, less school time, more resting time, more time at home to do chores/homework.
- Teachers, more focused students who are well rested and have done their homework.
- Parents, more time for their children to do chores and stay on top of school work.
- Better focused students during class.
- Students will have more opportunity to stay on top of their school work and could use the morning hours they usually have as a study period at home if you need it.
- Students who do better in school are less likely to drop out and less high school drop outs will reduce crime rates.
- Save money from not serving lunches to free lunch receivers
- less work hours to pay teachers for
- no lunch workers to pay
- Students will be less persuaded to skip classes because school days are shorter and easier to last through and not so early in the morning
- Less jobs
- Teachers have less income to provide for family
Need help with more disadvantages so i can see this from both sides.
There is a lack of communication in the 21st century school systems. Teens are constantly on their phone and avoid small talk with other students. Lack of communication in the 21st century sets anyone straight to failure. Communications goes far more than talking to one another. Communication help make a foundation for relationships, could prevent school cyber bullying/teen suicide, decrease the amount of high school dropout, and lower the divorce rate for married couples. Public School Districts should set a mandatory communications class for students so they understand communication is a very important asset in their future.
"People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude." well know author, pastor, and world leader, John Maxwell.
When a person is raped, and they go to the hospital they go through a four-six hour, invasive procedure called a rape-kit. During this procedure victims can often be re-traumatized. Victims get rape-kits so that law enforcement (detectives) can find and convict rapists and bring justice to the victims.
In public schools we see teachers being disrespected and unmotivated about going in and teaching. Its my thought that teachers would be more passionate and motivated to go in and teach if their salaries were higher. Educators do much more than teach, they support and shape young people for tomorrow. They are counselors and friends, they are even family to some students. Don't you think they deserve to be payed for all they do?
Should school lunch be more easier on their nutrition value? This is because due to the recent policy, school lunch has been more strict on the nutrition value rather than focusing on how tasty the lunch is.
Do you think teachers deserve to be payed more or the pay the district gives them
what do you think about police brutality? and how can it be changed?
I wanted to know what others are saying about teen drop-outs, and how it affects the school as well as the community.
What are your thoughts on legalizing the recreational use of marijuana? Do you believe that there are any benefits to the legalization? Why or why not?
how many homeless people do you see on the streets a day
do you think there is a lack of homeless shelters in the Alameda county
In Alameda County there are over 16,000 homeless people including families. Our plan is to create subsidized housing, and homeless shelters while people wait for housing during the process. We have already done an interview, wrote a petition and got over 100 signatures, and we've done surveys. Our question for everyone is who should be eligible for the housing, what the process should be,and where these houses should be built.
Our problem with the cafeteria food at SLZHS is the health and the taste of the food. If the food is good it's too high in calories, and if the food is bad, it's healthy. Because of this, students are either growing unhealthy or not eating at all. We are trying to change the school lunch with the help of the students to get them to be strong individuals who can perform in class with the right amount of nutrition. We are open for opinions on our Civic Action, and would like to k now what you guys think about it.