1. What problem, issue, or policy do you propose to work on?
I propose to work on enforcing the policy, of requiring all state police officers to wear a body camera because if all police officers wore body cameras evidence of how and what happened during a police interaction would be no argument. For example, an article from AmericanQuarterly.org, by Shira Scheindlin, states a case in which 5 officers, under oath said that the suspect had “failed to use a turn signal,” due to this, the officers pulled the suspect over, checked his car, found marijuana and arrest the suspect. However, a video that was recorded from the officer's car, shows that the suspect was immediately arrested and then the officers checked his car. This case clearly showed the importance of camera and how easy it is to lie and get away with unfair treatment. Also, from this case and many others, by enforcing body cameras, officers will become more cautious before using any kind of force, unless lives are in danger.
2. Provide three claims as to why you believe this is a problem, and describe how each claim affects people in your community.
Firstly, requiring body cameras for all officers provides clear evidence in is a case of discrimination or mistreatment towards or by the officers. This will protect the people in the community by giving them evidence to backup their claims when in such a position. Secondly, enforcing body cameras on officers, will make officers more cautious before using force or discriminating towards someone, due to the fact that they will always be watched. This will protect the people in the community from unnecessary force or discrimination from officers. Lastly, body cameras, will improve citizen behaviors towards officers because knowing that they are being recorded, they have less of a chance of acting up towards an officer. This will improve the community by promoting good behavior from all.
3. How is the problem or issue related to policy?
Enforcing body cameras on all state police officers is related to policy, because it is a policy on it’s own that needs to be enforced amongst all officers. This being a policy, will make it required to follow which will lead to a safer community.
4. Why do you want to work on this? Why do you think it is important? Introduce your claim, supply relevant information and evidence, and provide a concluding statement.
I want to work on this issue to prevent cases like Michael Brown and Eric Garnes, in which police brutality and discrimination has no evidence and the officers can get away with these deaths. In such cases where lives can be taken without cameras, and discrimination can be overlooked. Body cameras on all state officers are very important to enforce good behavior to and from officers, which from the statistics given by Scheindlin show that after the enforcement of police body cameras, the complaint level of police behavior has dropped immensely